
项目式学习 | 解锁哈罗学子深度学习之道!

2023-06-21 18:59:07 来源:互联网

Project-Based Learning



“全人教育”是哈罗教育的核心组成部分,旨在促进哈罗学子的全面发展,使得他们不仅在学术上取得卓越表现,并且在各个方面都获得充分的学习探索机会。这其中包括独具特色的Project-Based Learning(项目式学习) 的教学法,“项目式学习”鼓励学生积极地参与到和现实生活、当下世界相关联的课题或项目,并针对性地解决问题,以“技能学习-活动实践-行动反思-技能提高”螺旋上升的学习方式,全面锻炼自己的创造力、团队合作力、动手能力、领导力、计划和执行能力。


The Official Operation of the Hill Shop


Project 01- TheHillShop 小小创业家成长营

哈罗重庆校园商店正式开启运营!由九年级IGCSE商科学习小组发起,由哈罗重庆商业与经济老师Mr. Jason Poon作为学术指导,Taxia和Penny担任商店经理,共同合作为商店制定了专属的商业计划,从开业前期的商品开发、产品规划、产品库存、开业统筹到商店运营按商业计划逐步实行。



First School Magazine


Project 02- Harrow Zine小小编辑部养成记

作为哈罗卓著教育的核心,四大价值观在450年的历史长河中世代相传。今年,在老师的引导下,孩子们决定为学校出一份拥有深刻意义的Harrow Zine。第一期,作为哈罗画报创刊号,孩子们决定以四大价值之勇气为开篇。孩子们不仅踊跃献出了包括画作、文章的“勇气宣言”,亦邀请了两位校长与老师进行创作。


这一份满怀孩子们心意的作品,被印刷成册,他们也将作品分享给家长、朋友,不仅展示着他们的艺术创作,更让大家看到了孩子们能很好进行团队协作的优秀特质~另外,Harrow Zine Vol.02荣誉篇正在火热征稿,这一期又会有怎样的精彩内容呢?我们一起期待吧~

Project 03- Harrow Exploration



作为哈罗全人教育重要一环的「拓展项目」(Super Curriculum),我们鼓励哈罗学子们在课堂内外同等重要地汲取知识养分、获得成长灵感!同样是「项目式学习」,哈罗重庆的老师和同学们一同行走于城市的各个角落,与城市发生有趣而深入的互动。


Why do I need PBL project-based

learning and what are the








无论是The Hill Shop还是Harrow Zine,从零开始一步一步成型,都展示着参加其中孩子们的成长。在深入了解不同项目从最初的一个想法到最后落地呈现全过程的同时,孩子们也获得了持续性的学术进步和语言能力提升,开发新技能,结交到了新朋友。



"Holistic Education" is a core component of Harrow education, designed to promote the development of the well-rounded Harrovian, enabling them to achieve not only academic excellence, but also to be given full opportunities to explore all aspects of learning. This includes the distinctive Project-Based Learning(PBL) approach, which encourages students to actively engage with real-life, contemporary issues or projects, and to solve problems in a focused manner, using " Skills Learning - Activity Practice - Action Reflection - Skills Enhancement" is a spiral learning approach that allows students to develop their creativity, teamwork, hands-on skills, leadership, planning and execution skills in a holistic manner.

As the semester draws to a close, let"s take a look back at the PBL project-based learning journey of Harrow Chongqing students and see how the growing Harrovians have demonstrated their excellent leadership attributes in all aspects of school life and how they have contributed to the Harrow community.

The Official Operation of the Hill Shop

Project 01- TheHillShop

The Harrow Chongqing School Shop is officially open for business! Initiated by the Grade 9 IGCSE Business Studies team, with Harrow Chongqing Business and Economics teacher Mr. Jason Poon as Academic Mentor and Taxia and Penny as Shop Managers, the team worked together to develop an exclusive business plan for the shop, from pre-opening merchandise development, product planning, product inventory, opening co-ordination to shop operations in accordance with the business plan.

The two shop managers used their business acumen to create many of the peripheral products from a call for entries from across the school. The opening of the shop coincided with the annual Harrow Long Ducker and many students and parents visited the shop after the race. The team took the opportunity not only to achieve high sales but also to rekindle the students" passion for creativity when they saw their work on display.

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First School Magazine

Project 02- Harrow Zine

At the heart of Harrow"s outstanding education are the four values that have been passed down through the ages over 450 years of history. This year, with the guidance of their teachers, the pupils decided to produce a meaningful Harrow Zine for the school, and for the first issue, the children decided to begin with the four values of Courage as the inaugural issue of Harrow Zine. Not only did the children contribute their "Declaration of Courage", which included drawings and articles, but they also invited two headmasters and teachers to create their own.

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The children"s artwork was printed and shared with their parents and friends, showing not only their artwork but also their ability to work well together as a team.The Harrow Zine Vol.02 Honours issue is now open for submissions. Let"s look forward to it!

Project 03- Harrow Exploration

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As part of Harrow"s Super Curriculum, we encourage Harrovians to learn and grow both inside and outside the classroom! Also as the part of PBL, we invite teachers and students from Harrow Chongqing to walk around the city with us and have fun and deeper interactions with the city.

Experience the magic of the modern 8D city in Yuzhong"s Mother City, explore the past and present life of the bridge in the bridge city, visit independent bookstores and art spaces to explore the city"s pulse. ...... The "Harrow Exploration" series of videos will explore the city"s culture through a variety of topics, while conveying Harrow"s unique charm to the public. In order to enhance Harrovians" sense of identification with the city"s culture, and to explore the city"s history and culture, a series of videos will be produced.

Why do I need PBL project-based

learning and what are the advantages?


In the PBL project-based learning process, students are actively involved in gathering information, acquiring knowledge and exploring solutions in order to solve real-life problems.The project-based learning process therefore requires students not only to be able to apply their subject knowledge, but also to know how to apply this knowledge in real-life situations.


At the same time, project-based learning meets both the immediate developmental needs and the long-term vision of the students, developing deeper skills for the children"s subsequent university, work and life. Harrow Chongqing also integrates the project-based learning approach into the children"s daily learning life so that they can gain experience in as many different subjects and areas of study as possible.


Whether it was The Hill Shop or Harrow Zine, the children"s growth was evident as the projects took shape from the ground up. While gaining insight into the process of taking different projects from an initial idea to its final presentation, the children also made ongoing academic and language progress,developed new skills and made new friends.

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The excitement continues, what else will the children of Harrow Chongqing bring to us? Let"s wait and see!

